Welcome to the vibrant world of flowers! Whether you’re an avid gardener, a nature enthusiast or someone who simply appreciates the beauty of blooms, learning about flowers can be an enriching experience. In this article, we’ll take a delightful journey into the world of flowers, focusing specifically on their names in Marathi, the language spoken in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Let’s dive in!
Why Learn Flower Names in Marathi?
Before we learn the names of flowers in Marathi, let’s understand why it’s valuable to learn them. Language is an integral part of culture and by learning the Marathi names of flowers, you not only expand your linguistic skills but also gain insight into the rich flora of Maharashtra. Moreover, knowing the local names of flowers can enhance your travel experiences allowing you to appreciate the natural beauty of the region more deeply.
In Marathi, flowers are not only for respect. They are images of nature’s beautiful creation. Learning different names of flowers in Marathi is very interesting. We use flowers at every event including weddings and we also use them in worship of God. But we do not know the names of all flowers. After reading this post, you now know what flowers are called in Marathi and English.
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Flowers Name in Marathi With Pictures
No. | Pictures | English Names | Marathi Names |
1 | Rose | गुलाब | |
2 | Jasmine | चमेली | |
3 | Lotus | कमल | |
4 | Daisy | गुलबहार | |
5 | Sunflower | सूरजमुखी | |
6 | Bluebell Flower | नीला फूल | |
7 | Tuberose Flower | कंद फूल | |
8 | Plumeria | प्लमेरिया | |
9 | Anemone Flower | रत्नज्योति फूल | |
10 | Mirabilis Jalapa | मिराबिलिस जालपा | |
11 | Columbine Flower | कालंबिन फूल | |
12 | Hypericum Flower | हाइपेरिकम फूल | |
13 | Ranunculus Flower | रनंगक्यलस फूल | |
14 | Asiatic Lily | लिलि | |
15 | Blood Lily | रक्त लिली | |
16 | Orange Tiger Lily | नारंगी बाघ लिली | |
17 | Monsoon lily | सफ़ेद मुस्ली | |
18 | Golden Frangipani | सोन चम्पा | |
19 | Ashok Flower | सीता अशोक | |
20 | Siroi Lily | सिरोय कुमुदिनी | |
21 | Common Crape Myrtle | सावनी | |
22 | Canna Lily | सर्वज्जय | |
23 | Crown | सफ़ैद आक | |
24 | Showy Rattlepod | सनी | |
25 | Mexican Prickly Poppy | सत्यानाशी | |
26 | Cockscomb | लाल मुर्ग़ा | |
27 | Rohira | रोहेड़ा | |
28 | Common Lantana | राईमुनिया | |
29 | Mexican Tuberose | रजनीगन्धा | |
30 | Mountain Laurel | माउंटेन लॉरेल | |
31 | Ixora Coccinea | रुग्मिनी | |
32 | Spanish Cherry | मौलश्री का पुष्प | |
33 | Burmann’s Sundew | मुखजली | |
34 | Blue Fountain Bush | भरंगी | |
35 | Burr Mallow | बिचता | |
36 | Brahma Kamal | ब्रह्मकमल | |
37 | Glory Lily | बचनाग | |
38 | Bougainvillea | बूगनबेल | |
39 | Tanner’s Cassia | तरवड़ | |
40 | Picotee Blue Morning Glory | पॉटोटी ब्लू मॉर्निंग ग्लोरी | |
41 | Blue Morning Glory | प्रातः श्री | |
42 | Queen Crape Myrtle | जरुल | |
43 | Lilac | बकाइन | |
44 | Indigo Flower | नील फूल | |
45 | Star Glory | कामलता फूल | |
46 | Orchid | ऑर्किड | |
47 | Millingtonia Hortensis | नीम चमेली | |
48 | Zombi Pea | जंगली मूंग | |
49 | Indian Tulip | पारस पीपल | |
50 | Purple Passion | झुमका लता | |
51 | Primrose | बसन्ती गुलाब | |
52 | Butea Monosperma | पलाश के फुल | |
53 | Bluestar Flower | असोनिया | |
54 | Pansy | बनफूल | |
55 | Foxtail Orchid | द्रौपदी माला | |
56 | Lady’s slipper orchid | आर्किड फूल | |
57 | Dahlia | डेहलिया | |
58 | Hollyhock | गुलखैरा | |
59 | Stramonium | सफ़ेद धतुरा | |
60 | Creeper | मधु माली | |
61 | Prickly Pear | नागफनी | |
62 | Grand Crinum Lily | नागदमनी | |
63 | Poppy Flower | खसखस | |
64 | Sweet Violet | बनफशा का फूल | |
65 | Pandanus | केवड़ा | |
66 | Narcissus | नर्गिस | |
67 | Murraya | कामिनी | |
68 | Hiptage | माधवी पुष्प | |
69 | Night Flowering Jasmine | हरसिंगार | |
70 | Delonix Regia | गुलमोहर | |
71 | Chamomile | बबुने का फुल | |
72 | Shameplant | छूईमूई | |
73 | Aloe Vera Flower | घृत कुमारी | |
74 | Blue Water Lily | नीलकमल | |
75 | Puncture Vine | गोखरू | |
76 | Periwinkle | सदाबहार | |
77 | Chandramallika | चंद्रमल्लिका | |
78 | Yellow Oleander | पीला कनेर | |
79 | Cobra Saffron | नाग चम्पा | |
80 | Black Turmeric | काली हल्दी | |
81 | Scarlet Milkweed | काकतुण्डी | |
82 | Daisy | गुलबहार का फूल | |
83 | Peacock Flower | गुलेतूरा फूल | |
84 | Hibiscus | गुड़हल का फूल | |
85 | White Frangipani | गुलैन्ची | |
86 | Crape Jasmine | चांदनी फूल | |
87 | Jasminum Sambac | मोगरा | |
88 | Night Blooming Jasmine | रात की रानी | |
89 | Star Jasmine | कुंद पुष्प | |
90 | Pot Marigold | गुले अशर्फ़ी | |
91 | Yellow Marigold | गेंदे का फूल | |
92 | Forest Ghost | आँकुरी बाँकुरी | |
93 | Golden Shower | अमलतास | |
94 | Crossandra | अबोली | |
95 | Butterfly Pea | अपराजिता | |
96 | Flax | पटसन | |
97 | Balsam | गुल मेहँदी | |
98 | Lavender | लैवेंडर | |
99 | Magnolia | चम्पा | |
100 | Tulip | कन्द पुष्प |
Exploring the names of flowers in Marathi opens up a world of beauty and cultural richness. From the elegant rose to the serene lotus, each flower carries its own significance and charm. By learning these names, we not only deepen our connection to nature but also gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse languages and traditions that enrich our world. So, the next time you encounter a beautiful bloom, remember to appreciate its beauty in Marathi as well!