Flowers Name in Sanskrit and English (पुष्पनामानि)

From ancient times, people have been using flowers. For example, to increase the beauty of any festival or program we use flowers. There is a very high demand for flowers in the preparation of medicines. Flowers are found in many colors. Flowers are cultivated all over the world. In India, the cultivation of flowers is very high.

Sanskrit is an ancient Indo-Aryan language and not only a means of communication but also a conduit for cultural expression and spiritual symbolism. It holds a profound connection with nature, evident in its rich vocabulary for flora and fauna. In Hindu culture, flowers are imbued with deep symbolism and play a central role in religious ceremonies, rituals and everyday life. We explore the names of flowers in Sanskrit, unveiling the linguistic beauty that intertwines with the floral world.

Children should also be informed of the various names of flowers in Sanskrit and English as they are often asked about them in school or any exam. Therefore, children need to get information about them. Through this article, we will find information about different flower names in Sanskrit and English with Pictures.

Here is the table of different flower names in Sanskrit and English. So you can identify these flowers easily.

Flowers Name in Sanskrit With Pictures

No.ImagesEnglish NamesSanskrit Names
1Rose FlowerRoseगुलाबः
2Jasmine FlowerJasmineचमेली
3Lotus FlowerLotusकमल
4Daisy FlowerDaisyगुलबहारः
6Bluebell FlowerBluebell Flowerनीला फूल
7Tuberose FlowerTuberose Flowerक न्ध
8Plumeria FlowerPlumeriaप्लोमेरिया
9Anemone FlowerAnemone Flowerरत्नज्योति पुष्प
10Mirabilis Jalapa FlowerMirabilis Jalapaमिराबिली जालपा
11Columbine FlowerColumbine Flowerकालं गण पुष्प
12Hypericum FlowerHypericum Flowerयोनिपेरिकम् फूलः
13Ranunculus FlowerRanunculus Flowerरणक्यलस पुष्प
14Asiatic Lily FlowerAsiatic Lilyएशियाई लिली
15Blood Lily FlowerBlood Lilyरक्तली लि
16Orange Tiger Lily FlowerOrange Tiger Lilyनारंगी बाघली
17Monsoon Lily FlowerMonsoon lilyसफ़ेद मुस्ली
18Golden Frangipani FlowerGolden Frangipaniसोन चम्पा
19Ashok FlowerAshok Flowerसीता अशोक
20Siroi Lily FlowersSiroi Lilyसियरो कुमुदिनी
21Common Crape Myrtle FlowersCommon Crape Myrtleसावनी
22Canna Lily FlowersCanna Lilyसर्वज्जय
23Crown FlowersCrownसफ़ैद आक
24Showy Rattlepod FlowerShowy Rattlepodसन्नी
25Mexican Prickly Poppy FlowerMexican Prickly Poppyसत्यानाशी
26Cockscomb FlowerCockscombलाल मुर्गा
27Rohira FlowerRohiraरोहेड़ा ॥
28Common Lantana FlowerCommon Lantanaराईनिया
29Mexican Tuberose FlowerMexican Tuberoseरजनीगन्धा
30Mountain Laurel FlowerMountain Laurelजनेन लॉरेल
31Ixora Coccinea FlowersIxora Coccineaरुग्मिनी
32Spanish Cherry FlowerSpanish Cherryमौलश्री का पुष्प
33Burmann’s Sundew FlowerBurmann’s Sundewमुखजली
34Blue Fountain Bush FlowerBlue Fountain Bushभरंगी
35Burr Mallow FlowerBurr Mallowबिचता
36Brahma Kamal FlowerBrahma Kamalब्रह्मकमल
37Glory Lily FlowerGlory Lilyएकनाग इति
38Bougainvillea FlowersBougainvilleaबूगनः
39Tanner’s Cassia FlowerTanner’s Cassiaतरवड़ इति
40Picotee Blue Morning Glory FlowerPicotee Blue Morning Gloryपाकटोटी धारणं ग्लोरी
41Blue Morning Glory FlowerBlue Morning Gloryप्रातः श्री
42Queen Crape Myrtle FlowerQueen Crape Myrtleजरुल
43Lilac FlowerLilacबकिन
44Indigo Flower Indigo Flowerनीलपुष्पम्
45Star Glory FlowerStar Gloryकामलता फूल
46Orchid FlowerOrchidऑडिडः
47Millingtonia Hortensis FlowerMillingtonia Hortensisनीम चमेली
48Zombi Pea FlowerZombi Peaयुद्ध मूंग
49Indian Tulip FlowerIndian Tulipपारस पी पश्य
50Purple Passion FlowerPurple Passionवलमका लता
51Primrose FlowerPrimroseबसन्ती कोषः
52Butea Monosperma FlowerButea Monospermaपलाशः फुलः
53Bluestar flower Bluestar Flowerयज्ञिया
54Pansy FlowersPansyबनफफूल
55Foxtail Orchid FlowerFoxtail Orchidद्रौपदी माला
56Lady’s slipper orchid FlowerLady’s slipper orchidदेहि पाद
57Dahlia FlowerDahliaडेह लिया ॥
58Hollyhock FlowerHollyhockगुलैखरा
59Stramonium FlowerStramoniumसफ़ेद धतुरा
60Creeper FlowerCreeperमधु मालती
61Mexican Prickly Poppy FlowerPrickly Pearनागफनी
62Grand Crinum Lily FlowerGrand Crinum Lilyनागदमनी
63Poppy FlowerPoppy Flowerखसखसः
64Sweet Violet FlowerSweet Violetबनफशा का फूल
65Pandanus FlowerPandanusकेवड़ा
66Narcissus FlowerNarcissusनर्गिसः
67Murraya FlowerMurrayaकामिनी
68Hiptage FlowerHiptageमाधवी पुष्प
69Night Flowering Jasmine FlowerNight Flowering Jasmineहरसिंगर इति
70Delonix Regia FlowerDelonix Regiaगुलमोहर इति
71Chamomile FlowerChamomileबबुने का फुल
72Shameplant FlowerShameplantछूमूईई
73Aloe Vera FlowerAloe Vera Flowerघृत कुमारी
74Blue Water Lily FlowerBlue Water Lilyनीलकमल
75Puncture Vine FlowerPuncture Vineगोरू
76Periwinkle FlowerPeriwinkleसदासहारः
77Chandramallika FlowerChandramallikaचन्द्रमल्लिका
78Yellow Oleander FlowerYellow Oleanderपीला कनेर
79Cobra Saffron FlowerCobra Saffronनाग चम्पा
80Black Turmeric FlowerBlack Turmericकाली हल्दी
81Scarlet Milkweed FlowerScarlet Milkweedकाकतुण्डी
82Daisy FlowerDaisyगुलबहार का फूल
83Peacock FlowerPeacock Flowerगुलेतुरा फूल
84Hibiscus FlowerHibiscusगुड़हल का फूल
85White Frangipani FlowerWhite Frangipaniगुलैन्ची
86Crape Jasmine FlowerCrape Jasmineचानींद पुष्प
87Jasminum Sambac FlowerJasminum Sambacतोरा
88Night Blooming Jasmine FlowerNight Blooming Jasmineरात की रानी
89Star Jasmine FlowerStar Jasmineकुण्ड पुष्प
90Pot Marigold FlowerPot Marigoldगुले अशर्फ़ी
91Yellow Marigold FlowerYellow Marigoldगेंदे का फूल
92Forest Ghost FlowerForest Ghostआँकुरी बाँ कुरी
93Golden Shower FlowerGolden Showerअमलतासः
94Crossandra FlowerCrossandraअबोली
95Butterfly Pea FlowerButterfly Peaअपराजिता
96Flax FlowerFlaxपटसन
97Balsam FlowerBalsamगुल मेहँदी
98Lavender FlowerLavenderलैवेरेण्
99Magnolia FlowerMagnoliaचम्पा
100Tulip FlowerTulipकन्द पुष्प

Also Check

Flowers Name in Tamil

Flowers Name in Marathi

Flowers with Mythological Significance

1. Parijat (Paarijata – पारिजात)

Paarijata or the night-flowering jasmine is steeped in mythology. It is believed to have been brought to earth by Lord Krishna from the heavens. The flower symbolizes eternal love and devotion.

2. Champa (Champa – चम्पा)

Champa also known as the Frangipani flower and holds a special place in Hindu mythology. It is considered sacred and is often used in the worship of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

3. Kadamba (Kadamba – कदम्ब)

The Kadamba tree and its flowers are associated with Lord Krishna. It is said that he used to play his flute under this tree, making it a symbol of love and joy.

4. Clitoria Ternatea (Aparajita – अपराजिता)

Known as Aparajita in Sanskrit, this flower is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. It is also used in rituals and believed to have spiritual significance.


The significance of flowers in Sanskrit extends a deep-rooted cultural and spiritual connection. Through their Sanskrit names, flowers transcend their physical form and become vessels of symbolism, enriching religious rituals and everyday life. The beauty of Sanskrit lies not only in its linguistic elegance but also in ability to encapsulate the essence of nature in words.

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